Things You Can Do To Protect Your Business From Ransomware

Ransomware attacks have become popular in the last few years. Last year, after WannaCry broke out, all the businessmen must be aware of it. As the damage done by the malicious attack did the damage beyond repair to IT system and business operations.

That’s why it is necessary to be prepared to and plan your business strategies to protect and deal with the risk of ransomware attack.

First, let us know about ransomware and its types.

What Is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a kind of malware which takes control of your computer, encrypt your files so that you can’t access the files. The ransomware shows a message prompting that you have to pay ransom to decrypt your files.

Payment usually is asked to be paid in bitcoin and the ransom price could be increased if not paid on time. Moreover, there is no guarantee that you will get your data. Ransomware attacks can devastate not only individual computers but the whole IT systems, which could suddenly put a break on businesses.

There are various methods in which Ransomware could spread:

Phishing Attacks

Ransomware can be spread with the help of links or attachments send by claimed reliable sources which could make the user trust and download the file containing ransomware on your device.

Drive-by Downloads

Ransomware can come to your device by loading to a certain webpage which sends a malicious code via your browser.

Not Enough Security On Networks

Network with security and software loopholes, or a network without updated software patches can make your device vulnerable to ransomware attacks.

How To Handle The Risk Of Ransomware?

You prevent ransomware attacks in future, you need to make sure that your device’s software is up-to-date, and your staff is well trained not to fall in traps of phishing attacks. Moreover, backing up data is a protective measure that should be part of your regime.

Backup Data Daily

It is recommended to schedule automatic backups which should run daily. This will give you the leverage and you wouldn’t be at risk of loss of data when under attack. You can restore your backup files as you please.

Beware Of Malicious Emails

You need to train your staff to avoid any malicious content from dubious sources entering to your system. You should have a policy on phishing attacks to explain the personnel on how to act when they encounter any such emails. Also, instruct them to not download attachments or click on links when unknown sources unless it is a trusted one.

Install Anti-Malware Software

It is recommended to download and install a good Anti Malware software on every computer in your company. As antimalware developers keep an eye out in case any ransomware is generated and updates the Antimalware software to detect it. Also, set the software to update automatically.

Get Security Patches As Soon As They Release

You should treat updates as a priority, therefore, you need to keep your operating system and other apps on Automatic Update. In this way, you stay up to date always. As the security loopholes could increase the risk you are putting in harm’s way and keeping the system and software up to date will reduce the risks.

Deactivate Microsoft Office Macros

Microsoft Office Macros is infamous as it is used to spread ransomware via download docs with macros. Therefore, you need to be sure that you have deactivated it and also instruct your staff to do the same.

Enterprise-grade Firewall

An Enterprise-grade Firewall could work as a protective layer against ransomware distributing via loopholes in less secured networks. These firewalls are available at affordable prices so that small-scale companies could use them to protect their IT system.

Filter Emails

It is advised to have email filtering system on your devices of the company. Email filters block phishing and other dubious emails from infiltrating your IT system. In other words, you will not get any suspicious emails.

IT system On Cloud

Switching from conventional methods of storing your IT system to the cloud will give access good malware scan and extra security features. In this way, you will stay protected without a hole in your pocket.

What If You Are Attacked?

In case you are under attack, you can take these precautionary measures to prevent the further damage.

Disconnect and Turn Off Your Computer

Some of the businesses have rules of disconnecting and turning off their devices as they come to know that they are under attack. Disconnecting as early as possible will stop the process of encryption, however, you should always check whether it is the best way to deal with the situation.

Don’t Pay

It is strictly advised not to pay the ransom to the hackers as there is no guarantee that you will get your data and your system will get restored to its original state. Moreover, paying could encourage more attackers in the future.

Take Advice

Don’t take any steps before taking any advice from your IT tech as it could harm you more.

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Reduce Chances of Ransomware Attacks

Risk Management can help you plan ahead especially in case of emergency. It is the best way to deal with the risks of being attacked by a ransomware. Train your personnel and always keep your devices up to date with all the security patches. Switch to cloud storage to get additional security benefits. Use an Antimalware software. Also, if you are under attack, act according to a set strategy as it could decrease the impact of the attack.

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