Is Paying through Digital Accounts Safe?

When was the last time you remember picking up a pen to fill in a cheque? Or stand in queue for hours to pay your outstanding bills or book movie tickets? It’s been a while, right? Thanks to the digital evolution era, it has now become a thing from past. Now we just need our smartphones to do all these tasks. More and more people are adapting to new innovations and every day millions of users are coming on board. But even today there are some people who still hesitate a bit before performing an online transaction and prefer traditional payment methods instead.

A lot of questions arise regarding the safety of online payment gateways. This is because there is very little awareness of how a reputed online payment gateway is far more effective than other modes of payment.

First, let’s have a basic understanding about how online payments actually work.

How Online Payments work?

Today, online payment systems are making the world go round. It’s quiet tough to list down any solo task which we can’t perform with the help of our digital wallets. A payment gateway works like a relay between an e-commerce website and the merchant bank, which is also connected to a large network of credit card issuing banks. The payment gateway typically uses SSL 128-bit encoding technology to secure our transactions.

But with the mass hacking activities happening all around the world, is making payments via digital accounts actually safe?

Are hackers stopping you from going Digital?

are hacker stopping your from going digital

Paying bills online, is just a streamlined version of a traditional methods. Today, the internet is inescapable for its widespread use and convenience.  But excessive use of cards and Digi-wallets has become a problem for people, as various groups of cyber hackers are active and trying to breach our security for earning money. This has become a major concern to users as by the time the culprit gets caught, a lot of amount is drained from bank accounts. So we can agree that hackers somehow sabotage our online security to some extent.

So, is it safe to pay bills online?

Well, paying bills can only be termed as safe if you’re doing it the right way i.e. via a genuine and secure payment gateway. Typically, an online bill pay service that is backed by a bank or an organization that provides online banking services will be safe and reliable. So in our recommendation making online payments is far secure than the traditional methods. The real shocker? This is because online bill pay services encrypts your data to keep it safe and secure. there’s mounting evidence that paying bills online may actually reduce the risks of identity theft and related fraud.

Yes, course there is a certain level of threat involved. But just a word on advice, we should avoid using internet on public platforms like the ones we find on airports, restaurants and libraries, as here even moderately tech-savvy criminals can steal your data right out of the air. So to avoid any kind of potential danger to enter our lives we should take control of our privacy.

No wonder digital accounts have brought a new level of convenience to us, but a few precautions can make paying bills online a lot easier and organized.

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