

NASCAR Team Pays Off Ransom to Get Back its Data

Just before none of expected, Ransomware hit America’s most popular ‘no-right-turn’ racing format, NASCAR. The vicious act took place in April this year. Apparently, it was an attack by TeslaCrypt Ransomware, which has been defunct la...


Google CEO Sundar Pichai’s Quora Account Hacked

Just before we thought of account hijacking had taken a pause, we came across Google CEO Sundai Pichai’s news about falling prey to the cyber criminals. Just to give you a glimpse, earlier this month Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Katy Per...


Ways to Protect Against JavaScript Ransomware

Like no other monstrous computer program, Ransomware act on the mercy of people. Its spread and infection has reached to another height, cracking down itself on almost all parts the world today. Lately another Ransomware- JS/ Ransom DDL, ha...

Duplicate Photos

Top 5 Travel Apps for the Smart Traveler

Half of 2016 is over. And how many places did you manage to explore keeping with your travel aspirations for the year? We know. We Know. The list keeps growing! You might be traveling far and wide. But the one that the modern traveler just...

Backup & Recovery

How to Backup and Restore Data from Mac?

Do Mac need backup? The short answer is- yes! Mac are known for its tight-knit security. They are considered to be the most powerful computers of the time. Perhaps, because they are Mac, designed with brilliant security measures and it is ...

For Windows

How To Do Disk Cleanup in Windows 7/8/10

What is Disk Cleanup? Disk Cleanup is a computer maintenance utility present in Microsoft Windows operating system. It helps in freeing up space on the hard drive. The Disk Cleanup process includes searching and analyzing the hard drive f...


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