Author bio

Varsha Tiwari

She loves reading, traveling, and trying new cuisines. In spare time, she plays Table Tennis or strolls around listening to music. Besides these, she is also interested in playing video games and teaching underprivileged students.

Will Technology Transform Us Into Cyborgs?

Are you a cyborg? Well, you might deny, but if you have your smartphone glued to your hand and have been wearing a smart device, then we believe you are partly a cyborg! Not convinced? But why not? Cyborgs, according to definition, are bein...


Bizarre Things That You Didn’t Know Are Vulnerable To Hacking

Hackers are just as normal as we are, the only difference that makes a clear demarcation is their exceptional knowledge of codes and exploiting the loopholes. As we keep concentrating on our bank accounts, cryptocurrency wallet, laptops,...


Green Computing: A Step Towards Attaining Sustainable IT

“Sustainable development is the pathway to the future we want for all. It offers a framework to generate economic growth, achieve social justice, exercise environmental stewardship, and strengthen governance.” These are the words of Ban...


Are Home Security Applications Bluffing Us With Fake Promises?

We live in the age of technology and embrace advancements in the field with open heart. A plethora of devices and applications have become our best friend and are much involved in our lives. So much so that being separated from some of them...


Why Do Organizations Fail To Keep Their Data Secure?

Data volume is growing exponentially every moment and so is the risk of accidental disclosure. Irrespective of their size, organizations own bulk of sensitive information. From time to time we get to hear about organization security being c...


Is AI Creating Or Destroying Jobs For Humans?

Automation has certainly destroyed several jobs, but the same cannot be expected from AI. On contrary to common belief, the new researches have suggested that the Artificially Intelligent machines will need manpower in its initial stage. Th...


Who Owns The Content Created By AI?

‘It’ constantly struggles to cope with emerging trends and technologies; moreover, ‘It’ struggles and is far behind other fields in doing the same. Do you know who is ‘It’ here? The department that deals with Legal and Regulator...


Which Is the Best Programming Language for AI Machines?

Artificial Intelligence is in limelight these days! While AI machines are finding their application in almost every field, but to program them is still an uphill task. As there is no programming language yet that fulfills the demands and ca...


How Much Google Knows About You?

When we put our trust in Google and use its services such as Gmail, Drive, YouTube, Maps for free, we do not realise that we are losing something more important, our personal data! Well, we should have concluded that earlier as we were usin...


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