5 Tips That Will Help You Click Better Panoramic Shots

Panorama—a boon for every photographer, undoubtedly. In this digital age, almost each one of us is prone to gadgets and technology. And why not? Technology has made our lives so much simpler. Even if you see the role of innovation in the field of photography, it has surely come a long way. We’ve literally evolved from an era of getting pictures developed from camera reel to digital cams and now just instantly capturing random shots from our smartphone.

If you ask any photo fanatic about Panorama, then they can go on and on bragging about this beautiful concept. Panorama is the ultimate solution that allows us to capture wide angle illustrations in one frame. It is the perfect way to capture beautiful landscape shots in a single shot, leaving nothing behind.

Earlier people had this misconception thinking that Panoramic shots can only be captured with digital cameras. Well, thanks to our smartphone’s highly equipped cameras, capturing panorama shots has become so much easier. Here are a few tips to click Panorama shots from your smartphone in the most efficient way while enhancing your photography skill-set!

Avoid Movement

Avoid Movement
Image Source: Pocket Meta

This is the key to click perfect panorama shots, no matter what device you’re using. So, when you’re capturing a Panoramic shot from your smartphone, make sure that the movement is absolutely zilch, and your hand stays still while you pan out the whole view from left to right direction. If there’s too much movement, you will end up with blurry shots that are good for nothing. You can drag the camera slowly from left to right along the line, but with minimal movement.

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Place the Camera on Right Level

Place the Camera on Right Level
Image Source: Digital Photography School

Another important thing that you have to keep in mind while capturing panoramic shots from your smartphone is the camera placement. You have to make sure that you place your camera on the right level so that it covers maximum detail in high resolution. You must have seen a few Panoramic landscape shots which majorly covers the sky area, leaving all the main detail in the bottom, right? Well, to avoid such shots you must make sure that you place your camera at the right level that equally covers the entire view beautifully.

Keep the Camera Lens Clean

It’s not every day that we go on vacations and outings, right? And we obviously don’t want to ruin our perfect moments by clicking blurry shots? Before clicking a panoramic shot from your phone make sure that the camera lens is crystal clear with no dirt or smudges. If the camera lens is not clean, you will end up taking blurry, noisy shots that will probably make you regret forever.

Vertical Panoramas

Vertical Panoramas
Image Source: Wondershare Filmora

Yes, that’s a thing too! If you’re willing to try something new or to give a new edge to your photography skills, you can try capturing a vertical panorama shot from your smartphone. The process is absolutely the same, just the angle is different. You can use vertical panoramas for clicking tall objects like buildings, monuments or waterfall. Explore around the world and see what all you can capture vertically to amaze your friends and followers.

Use Third-Party Applications

If you’re into professional photography, then you can also seek help from third party tools that can enhance your panorama shots and make them look even better. You will find a bunch of apps online but as per our recommendation you should go for one of them. Panorama 360 Camera: Virtual Tours: 360 Photos is one of the good application which is available on both Android and iOS devices. With this application on your phone, you can capture panorama shots at a very fast speed.

Get it here for Android.

Get it here for iOS

Wrapping up –

So folks, we hope you like these quick tips to click panorama shots from your smartphone. With the help of these above-mentioned tips you can capture stunning panoramic shots from your device and enhance your photography skills like never before.

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