The Weird Car Straddling Bus SCAM: Another Reason To Not Go Chinese!

We are sure, in the last few weeks you must have caught a glimpse of this bizarre scene (at least once)…

china teb bus

Well, unfortunately this 300 meter long Chinese public transit is nothing more but a full-fledged scam—officially unveiled by authorities.

Recently, Beijing police reported they’d opened an examination for alleged fund raising support into the people behind the Transit Elevated Bus (TEB), as it was called. They’re holding more than 30 individuals associated with the capital-raising stage Huaying Kailai, which raised assets from singular financial specialists for the transport. The police are now attempting to recover the funds from the firm.

Solution To All Traffic Problems, Really?

This so called Chinese car straddling bus aka TEB was thought as an ultimate solution to china’s chaotic traffic situations. Rather we all went so naïve believing this bizarre concept which seemed nothing but “a bus eating cars”. Who could even imagine driving their vehicles underneath, could you?

But it was all a Lie!

But as the months passed by, whole traffic optimizing concept failed to stand up to much scrutiny. Now as the local authorities have finally pulled up their socks, it has been investigated that TEB was illegally raising funds via online portals.

The culprits behind this scam belonged to a Beijing-based organization that acquired the patent for the elevated bus. Around 30 individuals confined by police in connection with this alleged scheme. Days before his capture, Bai disclosed to Chinese media he even intended to move the transport to another city.

A week ago, the port city’s legislature chosen it had enough and requested the tracks demolished and the test bus moved to an adjacent parking structure. It appears the fantasy of an odd lifted transport cable car skimming over urbanite traffic is likely at a final end!

 So Are Electric Cars Ready To Take Over the World?

electric car

Well, for starters yes the market is quite heating up! Most certainly as the sales keep on increasing, the biggest electric vehicle markets are getting to be clearer. The nations with the most electric vehicle deals, through 2016, are China, the United States , Japan, Norway, and the Netherlands. Each of the above markets holds important lessons about the many factors that are needed to grow the market.

So will this trend of electric cars flourish in future as well? It sure seems so, and it may even continue gaining up more steam in the upcoming years.

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