New Tools To Limit Facebook and Instagram Time & Usage

However, it’s been a tough season for Facebook, but it isn’t giving up. With so much done in the past year to make the platform safest to use, it’s just been an incredible makeover that deserves applause.

With all new policies, tools and settings it has completely changed. Facebook is not only working on itself, but also working on all its subsidiaries as well. Be it Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus VR and many more.

With the ongoing makeover Facebook recently announced some new tools for itself and Instagram. So, today, in this article, we will be looking at some of the new Facebook and Instagram tools that are an activity dashboard, a daily reminder and a new way to limit notifications. These tools are included in the new Facebook update and Instagram update. With these tools users will be able to limit Facebook time and limit time on Instagram as well.

Let’s take a look at these new Facebook and Instagram tools and how to use them as well.

The very first feature is to let users manage their experience & limit Facebook time. This can help users limit their time on Facebook and Instagram so that they can manage their other priorities as well.

For this,

  1. Go to Facebook settings.
  2. Tap on ‘Your Time on Facebook’.

And to access the same feature to limit time on Instagram,

  1. Go to Instagram settings.
  2. Tap on ‘Your Activity’.

Here, you’ll see a graph that will show your daily average time for a week on the Facebook app and Instagram app you have spent. Tap on any bar to see your day-wise total time.

The second feature in the latest Facebook and Instagram update is to allow users to set daily reminders with which users will be able to know the time they have set a daily limit for spending time on the Facebook app and Instagram app.

For this, in the ‘Time on Facebook’ window, you will see an option ‘Set Daily Reminder’. Here you can set a limit on Facebook time for daily reminders, which will be notified once you reach the time you have set.

To set the Daily Reminder to limit time on Instagram, in ‘Your Activity’ windows, tap on ‘Set Daily Reminder’ to set the time you want to receive a notification about the daily limit.

The third feature to use to manage your time on the app is ‘Notification Settings’, from which you can choose which notification to get, and also you can mute push notifications.

To access these settings on Facebook, in ‘Time on Facebook’, there is an option ‘Notification Settings’, tap on this option, and select the notification you want to receive. Also, if you want to mute those notifications, then you can set a time for it. For this time, you won’t get push notifications, but you’ll be able to see new notifications whenever you open the Facebook app.

And to access this Instagram tool ‘Notification Settings’ on Instagram app, tap on ‘Notification Settings’ in ‘Your Activity’, from where you can select which notifications to get and can also mute notification for the time being.

These all features are just to manage your time on Facebook and Instagram apps. Well, this is done with the mindset of a user, so that they limit their usage on platforms and can concentrate on other work as well. And it’s a pretty good thing when platforms like Facebook and Instagram think from a user point of view.

This would definitely bring down the traffic, but it’s for the betterment of the society and also for the addicts who have just made these platforms a source of entertainment.

This will surely bring back some trust of users in Facebook. After all, it’s our Facebook, with whom we grew up. This is a great step to ensure users safety and security by Facebook.

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But Facebook and Instagram aren’t the only apps that need such features. The fact is not every app has an activity dashboard from where you can manage your time on that app or can set daily reminders.

But, this can be done with the help of Social Fever, an app that can limit your usage hours on apps and activities on your phone.

social fever

Social Fever is a powerful smartphone usage tracker app that helps you to limit your phone usage and track your daily hours spent on all the apps individually. And just not this, it also focuses on real-life interests missed out by addicted smartphone users. Every time a user unlocks the phone, a daily report is generated.

With Social Fever, you can also set your Android devices on DND mode to spend time away from the phone. Along with this, you also get notifications for excessive use of earphones to alert you of your ear health. Similarly, it will remind you to stop using the phone screen to stop straining your eyes. The interesting part is that the features are highly customizable for users to have a personalized experience. So, let’s take a glance at the features now.

With Social Fever, you can also set time restrictions on Android device or app. Every time user crosses the daily usage limit, a notification or alert message will be generated on the device.


Tracking Details –

Tracking Details

From the most used app to the number of phones unlocked, Social Fever provides you with all the necessary information. It will give you the total time spent on the phone along with the other details.

Set Goals

Set the goals to limit your daily app usage.

App Usage

App Usage

Start tracking hours spent on app usage individually to boost your productivity.

Quality Time

Quality Time

Set ‘Do Not Disturb’ hours on your phone to spend quality time with family, friends, or doing your favorite hobby.

Set Interests –

Add your favorite hobbies and interests to the app.

Whitelist Contacts –

Whitelist Contacts

While you can turn off the unwanted notifications that constantly try to distract you, you do not need the important calls to be missed. Therefore, Social Fever has the Whitelist option

Water Reminders –

Water Reminders

To remind you to stay hydrated, Social Fever also sends you timely notifications to drink water. You can set your time for alerts and the quantity of water consumption.

Ear Health

Ear Health

Give your ears a sound of calm, soothing & pleasing nature. Receive an alert message for using earphones with the phone after the set period. Note that the default time set is 30 minutes which can be changed.

Eye Health

Eye Health

Receive notification after viewing the screen after the set time. Note that the default time set is 30 minutes which can be changed.

Download Now!

If you found this helpful, please let us know what changes you notice once you have applied the changes in the comment box given.

And for more fresh tech updates, tricks, solutions, follow WeTheGeek on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.


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