Tips & Tricks

For iPhone

Some Useful iPhone Security & Privacy Settings

Our smartphone is an object, which contains every information related to us, how we think, what we do, where we go, everything. Smartphones consists of huge amount of data, from financial to health to searches we make, apps we use and many ...

Exif editor

How to Extract Pages from a PDF in Android & iOS

When dealing with large PDF Files, sometimes you just wish to split relevant pages and separate those important parts to save into another individual file. Just like when you download an eBook and you want to save certain chapters from it, ...


How To Mass Unfollow on Instagram

If you’re an avid Instagrammer, chances are that your Instagram feed is flooded with thousands of users that you no longer wish to follow now. While Instagram is such a popular social networking platform, it certainly lacks a feature that...


How To Screen Record On Chromebook With Audio

Do you want to record your on-screen activities on Chromebook? But unable to find a useful tool to record the audio along with the screen recording? Google integrated a screen recording tool into Chrome OS 89 to aid virtual learning and oth...

Multimedia & Editing

How to Reduce Noise From Photos

Noise in context to photography can be defined as those pixels which depict incorrect colors or does not represent the scene correctly. This is the major problem of digital cameras today. The uneven grainy look makes the picture look unattr...

For iPhone

How to Get Rid of Duplicate Contacts in iPhone

Phone book issues are the most critical ones. They have the sheer ability to drive anyone crazy. Be it lost contacts, wrong merging or duplicate contacts, none can ever fail to annoy users. Oftentimes, these wrong entries confuse users wi...


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