Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube Adds Activity Trackers To Cure Digital Addiction

Social media platforms have undoubtedly connected every individual to the rest of the world and have unified people across the globe. These platforms have helped us find jobs, build businesses, and most importantly, they have helped us make our voices heard by reaching out to millions at once.

But these privileges have come with a number of drawbacks and digital addiction is one of them. It seems while fulfilling our urge to know everything and everyone around us, we spent unaccounted and surplus time on these platforms. Maybe unbeknownst to ourselves, we are getting addicted to their usage more and more every day.

Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube Adds Activity Trackers To Cure Digital Addiction

But, finally, even the designers of these platforms have realized what negative impacts their creations have on users. Keeping the problem of addiction in mind, the three most widely used mobile applications, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube have added an Activity Tracker in their interfaces, that would help you monitor the extent of your social media usage.

Let’s see how we can set these trackers for work on all the three apps.



Instagram has a “Your Activity” option which you can find in the Menu button. When you tap on it, you’ll be directed to this page, which basically tells you how much time you spend on Instagram.

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Tap on Set Daily Reminder and select the maximum duration after which you would need an alarm to get you out of the app. Honestly, a max limit of thirty minutes a day is enough to spend scrolling your Instagram feed.

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Besides, you can also choose to mute push notifications for Instagram, which actually lures you into checking up with the world. This can be done from Notifications Settings, which you’ll find right below the Reminder option.

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Facebook and Instagram are sister companies, so most of their features are the same. Apart from features, the user interface doesn’t seem to have major differences as well, because the Activity Tracking feature is enabled in the same way as in Instagram.

First, you need to tap on the Three-Bars Menu button, scroll down, and find the option that says, “Your Time On Facebook”.


Once there, you’ll find a similar graph as in Instagram showing your average time spent on Facebook per day in the last one week. Once again, here you’ll tap on Set Daily Reminder and will set a time limit that suits you better.


Once done, you’re sorted with your Facebook addiction.




YouTube’s Activity Tracker feature isn’t any latest edition to it. In fact, it has been around for almost a year now.

To activate it on YouTube, first, go to settings and select the General option.


Once in, the very first option in the menu is “Remind Me To Take A Break. Tap on it and set your desired time limit.


Just like Facebook and Instagram, YouTube would also remind you of a break time once you’ve crossed your daily usage time limit.

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Social Fever: An App Doing Much More To Cure Your Digital Addiction

Social Fever An App Doing Much More To Cure Your Digital Addiction

If you feel what Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube have done is insufficient to help you get rid of your mobile phones, then Social Fever may be the right choice for you.

Setting time trackers for individual applications is a headache. A lot of other diverting platforms, such as WhatsApp and Twitter do not even have that feature. So, what’s the option left to both solve your addictions and save you from this hefty task of setting daily reminders.

In that scenario, Social Fever might be your best chance of having all your addiction problems regarding social media platforms solved.

Using Social Fever

Social Fever works for you and your interests and life after your phones. Just select what are the most important things that you’d love to do when not on your phones. Whether its spending time with your pet, gym, or reading, pick your choice. And then, Social Fever would make sure that you never miss doing your favorite stuff.


Give Social Fever the necessary permissions on your Android device to track your usage time for different applications.


After that, you have to select the apps that you want to track. In most cases, it’s social media or gaming applications. So, here let’s select all of these things that are bothering you to concentrate on your daily life.

Now, Social Fever will start tracking the usage of all selected apps. The maximum time limit set is 30 minutes by default for all apps. You can modify this accordingly for all the apps easily.

Using Social Fever-4

Not just that, Social Fever has a bunch of other perks when it comes to controlling your digital urges:

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  • Water Reminder



In case you forget to drink water, Social Fever would remind you to with the notifications. Just turn on the Water reminder button from the main menu and the app would remind you to have a glass of water so you’d never forget to stay hydrated.

  • Ear Health


Social Fever reminds you to take your headphones off if you’ve unknowingly exceeded your set time. Just Tap on the Ear Health option and set the time limit to turn on the reminder. This would help reduce ear damage caused due to prolonged headphone/earphone use.

  • Eyesight




It’s no new knowledge that staring at your mobile phones for too long is as dangerous as it looks fun. So, Social Fever helps you realize that your eyes might need rest. Turn on the Eye Health feature from the main menu and set your time limit.

So, Social Fever is an application that tracks your activity on all apps that you select together. No need of setting reminders individually and then change them going through all sorts of settings. Just download Social Fever, and your problems of social addiction are sorted with just one tool.

Download Social Fever on Android:

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