Gmail Tips

What Are Delegates In Gmail And How To Set It Up

What Are Delegates?

Gmail allows its users to add delegates to their account.

Delegates have the ability to read, send, reply, and delete mail on behalf of the account owner. You have to grant access to a person by adding a delegate.

Things That Delegates Can Do?

Send and reply to an email sent to you. When they Send or reply to a email the email address will be shown.

Things That Delegates Cannot Do?

How To Add A Delegate On Your Account?

Maximum number of delegates that you can add is 10 and you can add up to 25 delegates if you are using Gmail of your organization.

Note: If you don’t see Grant access to your account block, then it may be possible that your admin may have blocked email delegation. To enable it you have to contact your admin.

The person which you want to be delegated will get a confirmation, accepting which they will have to access to your account.

Note: Confirmation email will expire after a week.

How To Remove a Delegate?

  1. Open your Gmail account on your computer as adding delegates from Gmail application is currently unavailable.
  2. Click on settings. (Small gear icon on top right).
  3. From drop down menu click on Settings.
  4. From the settings click on Accounts and Import tab.
  5. In Accounts and Import section you will find Grant access to your account.
  6. In Grant access to your account section, click on Delete button for the account you wish to remove.

Gmail delegates is a very helpful feature if you are on a time constraint and unable to reply to emails. In a situation where you are unable to reply to an important email, the other person can send a reply to the email on your behalf.

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