Tips & Tricks

Rule The Web With These Hidden URLs

Most of us tend to bookmark our favorite sites for ease of access. But in doing so, we forget to search for an easy option. With things changing rapidly around us we also need to keep ourselves updated and stop following the traditional ways to do things. When there are simpler ways to perform a task then why walk the long path?

Here, in this article we have listed some URLs that will help you jump directly to the right page, feature, settings and even the search criteria thus, helping you save time and use it on other important things.

Note: These URLs will only work when you will be logged into the respective accounts.

1. Read Your Important Marked Mails in Gmail


Short on time? Want to see only the important marked mails? use URL:
This will help you skip all the mails in the inbox and will directly make you jump to important mails.

Besides this, you can switch between other configured Gmail accounts, by changing “0″ in the above URL with any other number.

Plus, you can see saved drafts and starred mail using the URL below:

To see saved drafts use.

To see starred email use.

2. Fixing Netflix Recommendations

Having trouble with Netflix recommendations? Want them to be managed? Use URL to manage recommendations and see recent searches made by you for a particular series. This also affects the recommendations.

To change recommendations based on your watchlist click on the cross icon on the right.

3. Disconnecting From Third Party Apps From Facebook

Lately there’s been revelation about many things that Facebook do of which third party apps connected to Facebook is a primary concern. To stay safe, one should regularly review the apps attached to your social networking account specially, Facebook.

This URL will redirect you to the page where you can disconnect from these apps that are accessing your data without your knowledge.

4. Recovering Deleted Files From Your Dropbox

Mistakenly deleted a file from your Dropbox and now want it back?  Use URL to get back files deleted in last 30 days. Other useful Dropbox URL to view all share file request is.

5. Viewing Google Voice Searches


You may never know how much data Google stores about you. But, if you are paranoid about data security and want to see the amount of data stored by Google visit URL.

Not only this, here you can listen to and see voice searches made by you using your Android phone, Google Home speaker or home assistant.

6. Restoring Deleted Spotify Playlist

Want to recover a deleted Spotify playlist? Worry not, use URL to see the deleted playlist and restore it using the Restore button next to the list you want to recover.

This is all possible as Spotify has a website where you can log in and check your account information. Most of us don’t know this and think once a playlist deleted it is gone forever, which is not correct. Besides this, you can even see offline devices and notification settings by visiting.

7. View Instagram Tags Instantly

Want to view your favorite Instagram tags instantly without much a work? Use.

To see account activity use URL.

8. Watch Lined Up YouTube Videos

Unable to access watch later playlist? Use URL. Also you can add more to it by clicking on Watch Later option. YouTube history and your subscriptions.

9. Check Out Everywhere You’ve Been on Google Maps

Finding it difficult to know what all data Google Maps has of you? Want to check the timeline and delete all the digital traces. URL.

To go directly to Google Maps Timeline, and see all the logged in information. Here, you can also see Google Maps contributions.

These nifty URLs will make your work easy and quick. Now you don’t have to follow those traditional ways to access important data. By using these hidden URLs, you can access in just a click. Thanks to these URLs to make things easy.

Many a time we have all that we want it’s just that we forget to look around and search for it. These URLs have been around for long but since we are accustomed to use the old ways we don’t try new and simpler ways. But it’s better late than ever, so let’s start using these URLs from today.

Hope you liked the article and find it interesting, please share your thoughts with us on this. If you have any further URLs to share that you think are important please do share. We will also add them up in the article.

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