For iPhone

Now Record Your Screen With Your iPhone And iOS 11

With the release of iOS 11, many new features and improvements have been introduced. One of them is Screen Recording which is a part of Control Centre. Screen Recording is an awesome feature as it lets you record your screen whether you want to nudge your friends about your gameplay or you want to walk someone through steps of troubleshooting.


The best part is you can start the screen recording from the Control Centre which eliminates the hassle of going all the way to the app to get it down. If you have upgraded your iPhone to iOS 11 and still don’t able to get the screen recording feature on the Control Centre, don’t worry, follow these steps to get it as a widget on the Control Centre.

Adding the Screen Recording icon to Control Centre

So, in this way, you can add the screen recording feature to the Control Centre.

Record Your Screen

Now you have Screen Recording feature on the Control Centre, let’s check how to use this awesome feature.

Record Your Screen With Sound in iOS 11

You know, how to record your screen with your iPhone and iOS 11 but do you know that you can record your screen with sound as well. To record your screen with sound, follow these steps:

Note: The icon will turn red once turned on.

Edit The Screen Recording Video

The videos made are saved in the Photos app. To edit the video, follow these steps:

This makes explaining the troubleshooting steps and making tutorials easier than ever. Don’t you agree?

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