
Nintendo Switch Review – The Most Popular Gaming Console

Things sure looked bleak for Nintendo with the lackluster response to their handheld Wii U back in 2012. But with the introduction of Nintendo Switch, it certainly sparked new life into the once legendary gaming company. Switch is a combination of home console and handheld. We know this might sound like a gimmick to some but Nintendo totally delivers on what they claim with Switch.

The hybrid console is first of its type to give a chance to play games on a big screen. Multiplayer can use the detachable Joy-Con controllers to play games on your TV for large screen view. Nintendo Switch dock comes with an HDMI cable to connect to your TV and you are ready to go to war with your family (In game!).

Price: $299.99

Let’s take a look at what you get inside box when you purchase Nintendo Switch. Main components you get along are-

Nintendo Switch Features

Nintendo Settings

Parental Control, Internet settings, data management, screen lock, screen brightness and change the orientation of Joy-Cons. Themes present in system are the basic white and black. Transfer Amiibo information to your device along with Mi account which will let you create a Mii character. Manage software will help you to install or uninstall programs. Add users for easy access to play games preferred by one. Calibrate your device or change TV resolution, or grips for Joy-cons.

Airplane mode is available for this wireless device will be used along flight time too.

You can adjust Auto sleep mode for when connected to TV which by default is set on 1 hour. You can Set Screen lock for the time your device goes on Auto-sleep.

Change the controller settings for grips on Joy-Con as horizontal or vertical.



You can also get Nintendo switch in gray color where Joy Cons are both in the same gray tone. Another version of the Nintendo Switch Pokémon Pikachu with a Pokémon patterned switch and yellow and brown joy cons is also available with certain differences.


You have to get the most innovative to enjoy the benefit of playing games as a home console and also on the go. If you are an avid fan of video games, it would be a perfect fit for you. This has sold over 32 million units till date and people love it. We would very much recommend you getting this very stylish gaming console for a different experience. With thousands of games present in the gaming library of Nintendo, one can always find what they are looking for. You get the advantage of the portability over all other gaming systems which are restricted to the TV screen.

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