
Move Address Bar to Bottom on Chrome for Android

Smartphones without Chrome browser is hard to imagine. While most of the users browse the internet on their phone, it can become a cumbersome experience at times.  To fill in the address or the search sometimes becomes a hassle.

Thanks to Google, which always has a solution to our problem and thus provides an option to move it from top of the screen to bottom.

This feature is accessible in chrome://flags menu which contains all the tweaks and settings which are in experimental stage. chrome://flags allows you to try new features which are in testing phase. Since they are in testing phase, it usually gives a warning before allowing the user to access the feature.

chrome://flags menu contains offers many settings. However, for now we will only learn how to move the address bar to the bottom of your Android Chrome browser.


Steps to Move Address Bar to Bottom of your Chrome Browser on Android


To enable this feature, you need to perform the below mentioned simple steps.


Your browser will restart and address bar on your browser will move to the bottom.

Note: If you do not see the change then force stop Chrome and restart it again, it should do the trick.


When enabling it you will receive a warning about using these experimental feature as it may sometimes give unexpected results. This new feature will make it much easier for users to browse internet.

If you do not feel comfortable with having address bar at the bottom you can always revert to the old classic view of Chrome browser in which the address bar is located at the top.

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