
Is Ransomware Coming Up with Even Scarier Way to Attack You?

‘The Year of Ransomware’ is coming to an end. But does that mean Ransomware attacks would halt too? Well, not really! Rather, newer stains might come up with new strategies to attack users. Ransomware authors might spread menace amongst users via different and stronger means. Or else, they might even gamble up your data.

Recently, Fast Company has reported, “Instead of simply encoding files so that users can’t access them, some blackmailers armed with a new kind of malware called doxware are threatening to leak potentially sensitive files to the public if a ransom isn’t paid, says Chris Ensey, COO of Dunbar Security Solutions.”

While reports of this Ransomware strain might have been noted, but attacks with doxware hasn’t proliferated yet. Considering this facet, newer strains may not simply lock users out of their system and data, or encrypt their files, but rather leak it if they didn’t act on criminals will. This year has particularly seen innumerable Ransomware variants. These variants had not only used various methods for out breaking infection but also went on to curbed users from their data in several ways.

Early this year, Philadelphia Ransomware had used the tactic of deleting user data if ransom wasn’t paid within the time set by Ransomware authors. However, this doesn’t seem to be the case with newer strains. You could have recovered deleted files if you already had created strong backup of your data. But, if your sensitive information gets public or you’re compelled to give up on your data, then that would certainly be crises.

Fast Company says, “Dunbar has yet to see malware make good on threats to leak data, and Ensey says that at least some variants appear to display fake progress bars purporting to show data transfers to attackers’ servers without actually uploading any files. Storing and leaking files is logistically more difficult than just encrypting them on victims’ own computers…”

The previous year had advised companies and users to backup their data since Ransomware attacks were to gush up. This prediction came out to be true and there was a 500% growth in Ransomware attacks, over the previous. Perhaps, the coming would be even more challenging for security researchers and users as well.

Future Ransomware attacks may be like…

If any strain happens to leak user data, this would woe victims more than it has done until now. Further, criminals may also syndicate a few of tactics and develop even harder malware. They might leak user data for some time and also operate a roulette, which would delete user data if ransom isn’t paid while on the leaking stage.

Considering these threats, we’d recommend users a few steps that they must run on their system in order to keep Ransomware at bay.

These are some of the ways that can help fight with Ransomware attacks, before and after its attack. However, you happen to fall prey of a strain that would leak your data, then paying ransom might remain as the only alternative left you.

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