Online Privacy

Is Incognito Mode Really Secure? Or Are We Just Too Blinded By The Concept of Privacy?

Internet is a gigantic platform, more like a parallel universe that keeps billions of users tied together in one common space. And yes, just like any other thing, the Internet has its good and bad side too. On one hand, where it allows us to connect and get information about absolutely anything that’s happening in this world, on the contrary, it’s the same ground where cybercriminals try everything in power to invade into our privacy.

We tend to spend the majority of our time browsing on the Internet, whether it’s shopping online, reading articles, checking our emails, or be it anything. And, to stay safe from promotional marketers, choosing Incognito mode is our best bet to keep our browsing activities secure. Before we discuss on Incognito mode’s security, let’s get a better understanding of this security concept.

Also Read: Is Incognito mode a myth or does it actually helps in keeping our browsing history secure?

Image Source: Naked Security

What is the Incognito Mode?

Incognito Mode is an alternate term for private or anonymous browsing. As we’re all aware, when we browse on the Internet and visit websites, a lot of user data is stored on the server, which includes cookies, text, pictures or any other info that you access while browsing. This user data is then further used by website owners and marketers to offer us more personalized ad experience based on our preference and liking. For instance, if you search for “best budget smartphones” on Google, you will start seeing smartphone ads on almost every window including Facebook as well.

Image source: P Safe

So, the moment you choose to switch to Incognito mode, none of this data is stored anywhere, and it allows you to enhance your privacy online. In Incognito mode, none of the websites can track your online activity and as soon as you close the Incognito mode window, everything is wiped off immediately including your browsing history.

But is Incognito mode really secure? How certain are you about this security concept?

Also Read: What Is YouTube Incognito Mode And How To Enable It

Incognito Mode is not “Entirely Safe”

Incognito mode has always acted as a safe place whenever we choose to surf the Internet. Just because you switch to Incognito mode doesn’t imply that your online activities are “entirely” secure. Despite the fact that Incognito mode promises us that your browsing history won’t be saved, and all your online activities including the forms you fill, websites you visit or your ISP (Internet Service Provider) will be accessible by any third-party website makers or the web-browser itself, Incognito mode is still not 100% safe.

Incognito mode is not bad, and you should always keep using it but yes don’t rely on it entirely. Here are a few safety measures to adapt that can keep your digital privacy preserved.

What Else We Can Try?

For a more strengthened approach for online anonymity, there are a few things you can try. So, if you ask us that if Incognito mode is safe? We would say, yes but to some extent. Picking Incognito browsing over normal browsing is anyway a safer mechanism that allows you to browse anonymously.

Image Source: Express VPN

Talking of safety measures to keep our Internet activities secure, browser compartmentalization is a newly emerged term. If not getting into utter technicality, it’s a process where a user uses more than one browser at a time. Here’s how it works. So, on one browser, you can log in to all your accounts and then use a second browser for all your other things, including random searches, or anything that you choose to do on Incognito mode.

As soon as you split your browsing activity, it will be almost impossible for website marketers to trace your online activities. You will be logged in into all your accounts on your primary browser but no one will be able to connect your account and personal information with your online activities, which you performed on the second browser.

Keeping separate browsers for different activities is a great way to stay secure on the Internet. Although it may not be completely perfect, doing so makes it tough for websites to crack into your privacy.

Also Read: How To Enable Chrome Extensions in Incognito Mode


Here was an honest review of Incognito mode’s security along with a great safety hack that you can for enhanced privacy. So, what do you think about browser compartmentalization? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments space.

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