
How to Turn Off Safe Mode on Tumblr

Tumblr has been around for some time now and has covered a vast market in a short time. And why shouldn’t it be? It has all the features of a social networking site and more. The effortless UI and continuous innovation have helped it maintain its position in such a dynamic market. The platform was quite open to any content and let people freely browse it all.

But recently, a shift was noticed in the working. The company started filtering out content more strictly. Several policies were changed, and the safe mode button disappeared. Since there is a wide variety in the content uploaded, the management feels that it should not be left as it was. Many  blogs have been flagged and dragged under the veil of unsafe content to protect its users, but it can still be visited as it hasn’t been blocked.

Wondering what to do if you want to turn off Safe mode on Tumblr? If you are under the age of 13, then Tumblr is not for you and if you are under the age of 18, then there is no way for you to disable the safe mode. However,  for the people who are above the mentioned age and want to surf the flagged content, here is the workaround for you:

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How to Turn Off Safe Mode on Tumblr

On Computer:

If you use your Tumblr account on a computer, be it Windows, Linux or Mac, then you can deploy these simple steps and can unlock the full potential through the browser.

  1. Launch the browser, and search for
  2. Use your Tumblr email ID and password to log into your account
  3. Start surfing
  4. When you come across any such blog or post, which has been marked as unsafe or hidden, click on “Go to my dashboard link”.
  5. The hidden blog will appear on the right side.
  6. Left-click on “View this Tumblr”
  7. The blog will unhide itself for you.

The problem here is, that whenever you come across any post that is hidden or marked as sensitive then you will have to repeat these steps.. Even your favorite blog that you visit time and again, is flagged, then also, you have to repeat the steps.

Read More: How to Create a Private Tumblr Blog

Without Account:

You can enjoy the content uploaded on Tumblr, even without  account on Tumblr. To evade safe mode, you can use a third-party application like Tumbex. It is pretty easy to use and allows the user to enjoy Tumblr without safe mode nagging on every other post. To use Tumbex, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Search on your browser for
  2. There you will find the search box, enter post’s name that you want to see.
  3. Click on the safe search button.
  4. Customize the type of content that you want to see and refresh.

If you want to search for a hidden blog instead of a single post, then use the lower search bar to search for it.

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On Android and iOS:

If you use Android or iOS, then you don’t have many options left to begin with. The mobile phone users will have to unhide each flagged blog if they want to visit it. Below are some easy steps, through which you can do it:

  1. Launch the application.
  2. Log in to your account.
  3. Once Logged in, start browsing Tumblr.
  4. When you come across a blog that is flagged, you will get a message regarding sensitive content.
  5. Click on View this Tumblr, and you are good to go.

Read More: How to Turn Off Safe Mode on Android Phone and Access All Its Features?

So these are some of the steps that you can follow to turn off safe mode on Tumblr but remember that it is marked as unsafe because of its nature. So try not to open such posts when you are near someone of below age. The content can be inappropriate and may upset them.

Was it a right step by the management of Tumblr to mark and hide the content and blogs? What do you think? Let us know your opinion in the comments section.

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