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How to Remove Virus from Pen Drives

Pen drives have emerged as a great companion of computers in past few years. Also known as flash drives, these are one of the best methods of data storage and their compactness enhances mobility.

Windows computers are comparatively more at risk of getting viruses and malware.

The most common and easy to spread threat is ‘shortcut virus’.  When a pen drive gets infected with ‘shortcut virus’, all the files and folders convert into ‘shortcut’ files. These viruses spread from one machine to another through pen drives, memory cards or through internet/Bluetooth connections and get viral. Here we’ve listed three different steps to remove virus from pen drives:

1. Through command prompt (CMD):

If you aren’t inclined to download any software to remove viruses, then you can simply remove them from your machine by employing command prompt (CMD). Just follow these steps, they are so handy that it won’t matter if you’re a non-tech-savvy person:

2. Though shortcut virus removing software:

If you’re not into commanding and want to do it without any hassle, you always have an option to do it with a virus removing software. Shortcut virus removing software will automatically detect and remove the threat and would recover the original files. Such software is tested and verified, which make them more reliable. You can follow the below steps to remove shortcut viruses from your pen drive:

3. Through BAT file:

Let’s become techy and do it as a pro. If you’ve not heard about batch files (BAT) then don’t panic. You can eliminate viruses by creating a batch file and executing it. You don’t need any extra and specific tools to create a batch file but a notepad and PC. If you don’t want to face the black screen (CMD) and don’t want to download any software, then this method is a boon for you. You just need to follow these steps to conquer your drive again:

Image Source:

@echo off

attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d Drive:*.*

attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d Drive:*.*

attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d Drive:*.*

@echo complete

You can always refrain yourself from being in a situation like this by following some precautions. You should never plug your device into any infected machine. Always keep your system geared up with latest anti-virus and apply complete system check at least once in a week. You may certainly remove viruses by following any of these steps but a minor attention may help you avoid this situation.

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