For Windows 10

How To Get A Black Notepad Alternative For Windows 10?

The final spritzer

One of the most important and useful apps of the Microsoft Windows operating system is the Windows 10 Notepad. It is used for writing down quick notes and even codes in programming languages. You can create lists, write short and long notes, and even create batch files and HTML pages. One major advantage of the Windows 10 Notepad is that you can copy and paste any text from anywhere, and the Notepad automatically removes all the formatting. However, a limitation of Notepad is that it does not support using media files. However, if you are looking to get a dark mode notepad on Windows 10, this blog post will be helpful.

With all the benefits and limitations, using the Windows 10 Notepad can be made more exciting if we can tweak the Notepad appearance. A dark notepad would also provide less strain to eyes, especially in under-lit situations. With Dark Mode fever circulating nowadays, it would be cool if Microsoft releases a black notepad download for Windows 10. Until that happens, here are ways to use a dark notepad on Windows 10.

Steps to Add a Black Notepad Alternative to Windows 10

Method 1. Convert The Existing Windows 10 Notepad Into A Dark Notepad

You can always convert the existing Notepad into a black notepad by changing the entire Windows contrast. Windows 10 provides its users with an option to select from four high contrast options. Three of those options are closely related to dark mode, and the drawback to this method is that your entire computer will appear in dark theme, which includes a black notepad for Windows 10. To activate the dark mode theme on your computer, follow the steps mentioned below:

Step 1. Type “Turn High Contrast On or Off” in the search box next located in the taskbar’s bottom left corner.

Step 2. Click on the result that indicates system settings. This will open a new window.

Step 3. The window would be divided into two parts. On the right side, locate a toggle button under High Contrast and wait for a few seconds until Windows configures the dark mode settings for you.

Step 4. You can also choose a theme by selecting one of the four options from the dropdown list.

Note: One of the options mentions High Contrast White, indicating it is not a dark mode option.

Step 5. You can also choose other contrast colors for additional features like Hyperlinks, Text, Disabled Text, Background, etc.

Note: You can also press the Left Alt + Left Shift + Print Screen together to turn on/off the high contrast option.

This is the shortest and simplest method to get a black notepad in Windows 10 without searching for a dark notepad alternative. It looks great too, but you will have to be a bit patient after activating this high contrast mode, as not only has your Windows 10 notepad turned into a black notepad, but the entire operating system has also gone dark.

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Method 2. How To Get A Black Notepad Download For Windows 10?

If you can’t stand your entire Windows 10 operating system in the dark mode to get Dark mode notepad on Windows 10. You want to keep the effect to the Windows 10 notepad app only; then I suggest you look for a Black Notepad alternative. Some of the best dark notepad alternatives are:

1) The Black Notepad UWP App

The Black Notepad UWP app is the simplest dark notepad alternative to the default Windows 10 notepad. It is 100% similar to the default notepad when it comes to the features and functions. The only difference is the dark color scheme. This black notepad alternative is free to use and can be downloaded and installed from the Microsoft Store.

Download the Black Notepad UWP app now, click here

2) Black Notepad (Alternative to Windows 10 notepad)

Suppose you plan to get a dark notepad alternative instead of changing the contrast colors of your entire Windows 10. In that case, you probably could also want a few extra options not available in the default Windows 10 Notepad. The solution to this, combining both the requirements, is Black Notepad. It also allows the users to choose among different color schemes, allowing the users to go beyond black and white options.

For black notepad downloads for Windows 10, click here.

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Method 3. How To Get Notepad++ In A Dark Theme As Black Notepad Alternative?

If you are ready to move forward on the path to obtain a perfect solution of black notepad download on Windows 10, then this is the final stop to your journey. The Notepad ++ with a dark theme is the best possible application with its advanced features as it seems to be a mini MS Word combined with Adobe Dreamweaver. Notepad++ is one of the best dark notepad alternatives free to use and is an excellent code editor for Windows 10. Follow the method to get Notepad++ dark mode in Windows 10.

To get this black notepad download for Windows 10, you need to visit the official website by clicking the link.

After you have downloaded the installation file, you need to run the Notepad++ setup wizard and follow the on-screen instructions. Once installed, then follow the steps to activate the Notepad++ in dark theme:

Step 1. Open the Notepad++ application.

Step 2. Click the Settings tab and choose Style Configurator.

Step 3. From the new window that opens, Locate Select Theme on the top of the window. From the dropdown list, you can select a variety of themes.

Note: Deep Black and Obsidian are two themes that convert your Notepad++ into a dark theme notepad.

Step 4. There are more options that you can explore and change the UI element colors from the style box.

Step 5. Even after you have downloaded, installed, and changed the Notepad++ to a dark theme, the trouble lies with Notepad ++ not being your default text editor in Windows 10.

Step 6. Select any text file and right-click on it. From the contextual menu, select Open With.

Step 7. Locate Choose another app, and click on it.

Step 8.  A new window titled How do you want to open this app will appear. Select Notepad++ from the list and select the checkbox next to use it to open the .txt files option and then click on OK.

Step 9. The text file you were trying to open will open in Notepad++ in a dark theme along with all other text files on your system. This way, you can have a black notepad alternative set up in no time with Notepad++ dark mode Windows 10.

Also Read: Notepad++ Alternatives For Editing Texts In 2020

What are your thoughts on How to get a black notepad alternative for Windows 10?

Dark mode is the new trend in town, and you have Facebook, WhatsApp, Google, and many others trying to inculcate this feature in their apps. The dark mode contrasts colors with what we generally use, but they seem to have less strain on our eyes and are great working in dim environments.  Microsoft should provide users with an individual option on all its apps to enable the dark mode and not the entire Windows theme. Until that option appears, you can use any of the black notepad alternatives, with Notepad ++ dark theme being the best of all. With the aforementioned steps, use Notepad++ dark mode in Windows 10 or try any of the other Notepad apps for your computer.

Share your thoughts on dark notepad alternatives and which one you think is the best in the comments section below. Follow us on social media – FacebookInstagram and YouTube.

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