
How Ransomware Attacks your System? 5 Tips to Prevent it

To put it before you, there was a time when viruses were not that prominent, or we say, they didn’t proliferate at an accelerating rate. Wily cyber criminals came up with one virus at a time and took around 2-3 years to diffuse it. Those attacks were not that massive as well. They would only affect the speed of the computer or removed may be a few files from it. Perhaps, these facets made it relatively easier for researchers to draw a permanent solution for all those viruses.

But gone are the days of those tiny attacks. And now we see gigantic Ransomware attacks. Ransomware, strongest of all malware until now, encrypts files and data on a system or simply locks out a user from system access. Unlike the older viruses, Ransomware appears with its new variants in about every new week (at times, this time varies with each day). Most conventionally, it has been attacking individual users’, enterprises, hospitals, schools and other many other organizations.

Ransomware has used new tactics to foray users. Until now, Ransomware has used these maneuvers to masquerade with users’ system.

Tips to Prevent Ransomware Attack

  1. Backup your data: An old saying says, “Prevention is better than Cure”. Same way, your data backup plans are better than paying off the ransom. You should backup your data at cloud storage, the safest of all means. This can quickly be done with Right Backup app.  The app is handy and an easy solution to all malicious attacks.

Right Backup offers the following features:

  1. Protect your Mailbox: As we know, your web and mailbox are the key for Ransomware. You should rather protect it with antivirus or ad block extensions. This will help you get away with the Ransomware coming through email and advertisements.
  1. Disconnect from the Server: Ever since Petya Ransomware and others come through the network, you can halt it by disconnecting with the server. This way, the infection will not take place and your system & data will remain safe.
  1. Keep your software updated: Outdated software helps Ransomware by providing a vulnerability. You should update all your software and offer least possibilities to Ransomware for any kind of outbreak.
  1. Decryption Keys: We would say, many researchers are struggling hard to come up with effective decryption keys in order to break Ransomware attacks. For instance, Locky Ransomware removal has been targeted. Although there is no certainty that these keys work. But you can try out, it might work for you.

These are the tips to keep Ransomware at bay. And we must say that you should take prior precautions than to fall prey to Ransomware. For this reason, you must backup your data and stay secure!

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