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Got Yourself a New VR Headset? Here are a Few Tips to Consider!

Virtual Reality is an overwhelming tech term that has trended like fire over the last few years. Everywhere we turn, we see applications of Virtual Reality around us! This next generation of technology has taken the entire world on surprise. Apart from our five basic senses, Virtual Reality heightens our inner sense and takes us to a whole new world where we can experience so many things beyond reality. From movies to applications to science to games, Virtual Reality is everywhere!

With each passing day, the applications of Virtual Reality are getting more and more real. All thanks to the VR headset. Agree or not, but this has become one of the coolest gadgets to own in today’s time. A wide range of VR headsets is available online which you can buy for yourself and begin your VR journey within no time.

Source: arstechnica

So, whether you’re using a VR headset for the first time or if you’re a veteran here are a few tips that will allow you to enhance your Virtual Reality experience.

Make Sure it Fits Well

As VR headset is a clearly a head-mounted gadget, so before buying just make sure it fits well on your head so that you don’t have to keep adjusting it repeatedly. This is only going to hinder your VR experience and make things worse for you. If you’re purchasing the VR headset from a store just don’t forget to try it on and see how it fits on your head. If the headset is properly fitted, only then you will be able to get a clear picture of what’s happening inside.

Source: brookstone

And for those, who wear glasses should always wear the VR headset above it. There’s no need to remove your glasses before using the headset.

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Keep the Lenses Clean

Think of VR headset just like a pair of glasses, a little expensive one although. Well, jokes apart. Give them the same treatment that you give to your glasses before using them. In order to keep the lenses of your VR headset clean, make sure you wipe them before use to get a clearer and better picture.

Field of View

This is an important term which is used quite frequently in the VR industry. The Field of View is basically the size of the picture or content that you’re going to view after wearing the headset. Each VR headset has a different Field of View value. The more the value of a field of view, the wider and enhanced your Virtual reality experience will be. So, before buying your VR headset, just make sure you know about Field of view value and compare it with all other models in the range to grab the best VR headset for yourself.

Consider the Weight

Weight is one major factor which most of us neglect while buying a VR headset. The weight of your VR headset should be as light as possible so that you can comfortably wear it for a longer duration of time. Heavy weighted VR headsets may look attractive in one go but wearing them can be a tiring job as your nose has to handle a lot of weight pressure.

Augmented Reality

Source: stambol

If you’re buying a VR headset in today’s date, then make sure it supports Augmented Reality as well. Virtual Reality combined with Augmented Reality is the perfect blend of advanced technology that can take your viewing experience to a whole new world. Having Augmented Reality as an add-on to your VR headset is like having a cherry on the cake.

There were a few VR headset tips that you should surely consider before buying. Make sure you get the best VR headset for yourself so that all you have to do is go ahead and go all crazy!

For any other tips or queries feel free to use the comments box below.

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