Video editing

Rearrange shots and scenes, trim recorded video, & perform other editing functions to create a new output.

For Android

10 Best Video Editor Apps for Android 2023

With the frequency of sharing videos on smartphones nowadays, we require certain tools to edit them. As we keep sharing original and forwarded video content, it requires the use of free video editor apps on Android. Most of the people have ...

For Windows

5 Ways to Rotate a Video in Windows 10 in 2023

Do you want to rotate a video on your computer? If you received a video clip or have recorded one on your smartphone mistakenly in the wrong orientation, then you can make it turn the right way. While recording a video, especially on your v...

For iPhone

Now Record Your Screen With Your iPhone And iOS 11

With the release of iOS 11, many new features and improvements have been introduced. One of them is Screen Recording which is a part of Control Centre. Screen Recording is an awesome feature as it lets you record your screen whether you wan...

For Windows 10

9 Best Free MKV Player For Windows 10, 8 and 7

While browsing videos on the Internet, have you ever come across the MKV extension? MKV files use different encoding techniques and can incorporate audio, videos, subtitles, and everything submerged in a single container file. MKV files are...

Multimedia & Editing

7 Best YouTube Video Converter Software

YouTube is the best library to access the visual content of all types from across the world. Music videos, trailers, short films, movies, interviews, and whatnot. Everything there is to watch on television channels is somehow present on You...

For Windows 10

How To Use Hidden Video Editor In Windows 10

Windows 10 is filled with different features, one of them is a video editor. Now you do not have to use a third-party software to edit videos, you can use Windows 10’s native video editor to customize videos. This video editing softwar...


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