
Apple Revises The Value Of Old iPhones & iPads

Apple recently revised the trade-in values of its products resulting in a gain for iPhone users but a considerable decrease for Mac products.

This surprising change will take effect from today where users will find a slight rise in the buyback value of iPhone 11, iPhone 6S Plus, and iPad Pro. However, users with other devices like MacBook, MacBook Airs, iMacs, and Mac minis are going to get shocked by the current prices as compared to the prices before this week.

Image Credit: CNET

It is to be noted that Apple updated the trade-in values in December 2020, last year. A similar pattern could be observed when Apple increased the value of iPads and decreased the buyback prices for Mac. One possible reason for this strategy as suggested by MacRumors is the increasing demand for iPad which can result in an iPad shortage later this year.

Here Are The Changes In iPhone Trade-In Prices



iPhone 11 Pro Max



iPhone 11 Pro

$460 $465
iPhone 11 $360


iPhone 6S Plus $60


Here Are The Changes In other Apple Products

Image Credits



iPad Pro

$535 $580
iPad $250


MacBook Air



MacBook, 12-inch (discontinued)



iMac Pro






Mac mini $830


If you are considering other ecommerce websites to sell your Apple Products for better returns, then be prepared to deal with other hassles that will not appear while trading directly with Apple. I believe dealing with Apple is more convenient as compared to Facebook Marketplace or eBay where the main challenges are negotiation on prices and shipping the devices. But if you are ready to handle the hassles then the rewards will be greater for an iPhone 11 Pro Max can fetch $700 as compared to $500 offered by Apple.

Finally, Apple has also initiated a trade-in for non-Apple devices like Android and Microsoft Surface. However, while the cost of Android devices is far lower than anything you can expect, laptops are traded at an even lower price because Apple would send your device to its recycle department only.

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