Future Tech

10 Amazing Mac Tricks That Will Blow Your Mind 2023

Perhaps Apple thought of upscaling computer technology with Mac!

Macs are equipped with several brilliant features, be its high-end security or user interface. However, many of us aren’t yet apprised of every feature/hack/trick that our Mac contains. Apparently, there exit hundreds of things on Mac learning which help you get your hands with ease on your Mac. Here we are with some amazing, handy and essential tips and tricks that Mac users must have been waiting for. Without further ado, here you go.

  1. Have you opened many windows on your Mac and lost the mouse cursor? Simply shake it and the cursor will be enlarged for you to figure it out.
  2. Did you know you could speed up your Mac usage by using Spotlight? Well, Spotlight is essentially helpful when it comes to search stuff all through your mac quickly. Enable it by hitting Command + Space and find anything, be it files, apps, web search or everything else.
  3. Have you been finding key combination on your mac to force shut down your Mac? Here you go- Command + Option + Escape. This is especially helpful when you have opened multiple apps or windows and don’t want to bother yourself to close them individually.
  4. Don’t prefer menu bar on the screen? You can remove and have it only have upon scrolling. To do so, go to System Preferences > General> “Automatically hide and show the menu bar”.
  5. Want less apps to load when you boot up your Mac? Go to System Preference> Users & Groups> Login Items> unselect the apps that you don’t want to get loaded upon Mac boot up.
  6. Often we don’t get the word we want to write. Mac has a remedy for it. If you wish to write a word (which apparently you don’t remember), simply write a word similar or close to it in the search bar and hit Fn + F5. Your Mac will list all words related to your search.
  7. Frequently pairing Bluetooth headphones to your Mac will eventually make the music blare from speaker instead of Bluetooth headphones. To address it, you’ll have to tweak settings on your Mac. Go to System Preferences> Sound and check off “show sound in menu bar.” Now you can change volume from the menu bar, and hold Option while clicking on the icon to quickly change the source.
  8. Your Mac contains foreign characters or accent mark in its system, which remains hidden from most users. To unlock it, simply write a word related to the mark in search bar and a list of appropriate characters will be displayed.
  9. Taking Screenshot on Mac has been a question for you? Hit Command + Shift + 3 to capture entire screen on your Mac. If you want to take screenshot of a particular portion on your Mac, press Command + Shift + 4.
  10. Need meaning for any specific word? Ask your Mac! Highlight a word and hit Command + Control + D. You Mac will define the word via its dictionary.

Read Also : 3 Ways to Back Up Apple Notes on Your Mac

Above are some nifty tips and tricks which you must frequently practice on your Mac. These will help you quickly wrap stuff or find any through your Mac in a jiffy!

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